The Work Like A Mother Podcast | Working From Home, Working Moms, Women Health, Organization, Time Management
Aloha, I’m Marina. A mother to 2 under age 10, wife, and a multi-passionate entrepreneur. I tried hustling harder, faster, stronger by following the lie that success means I have to sacrifice my time with my family in order to build a business. I was victim to believing if only I worked MORE, I could someday have it all - that mythical magical work-life balance. I finally realized that if I really wanted a life where I could be present with my family AND have a profitable business that worked while I slept, I needed to let go of control and duplicate myself. I hired my first virtual assistant 3 years ago and followed a system that I could make work for my flexible and ever-changing schedule. A lifestyle that made my time working fun again, and more adaptive and freeing than I ever imagined. And I’m ready to share it with you! If you are ready to finally find a road map that is built for busy working moms…
Time blocking tools that are simple and automated…
Results that transform your mindset and beliefs…
Technology tools that work smarter than you and free your time - this podcast is for you! Pull up those yoga pants and turn up the volume - it’s time to grow!
The Work Like A Mother Podcast | Working From Home, Working Moms, Women Health, Organization, Time Management
Stop Sleeping on AI - How I Use It to Free Up My Time | Work Like A Mother Podcast, Episode 39
In this episode of "Work Like a Mother," Marina Tolentino dives into the fast-evolving world of artificial intelligence and how it can transform your business. As a real estate agent and multi-passionate entrepreneur, Marina shares practical insights on how she integrates AI tools like ChatGPT, CastMagic, and Canva's Magic Studio into her daily workflow. She discusses the benefits, potential distractions, and the need to filter AI tools for maximum efficiency and impact. Whether you're curious about AI-generated content, short-form video automation, or creating custom graphics, this episode offers tactical advice on how to leverage AI effectively in 2024 and beyond.
Marina Tolentino
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I just feel like 2024 is the year that AI is taking over. I wanted to share with you specifically how I've integrated AI into my business as a real estate agent and a multi passionate entrepreneur. But I'm going to go ahead and say that the average person probably isn't using it to the capacity that they could be. What am I coming to this program for? Right. So number one, I have an objective that I'm trying to get out of it, run it through a filter. Is, is this actually going to save me time? Is this actually going to save me money? And is this something I'm going to stay consistent with? It's time for another shorty episode, and today is going to be super tactical and it's specifically targeted around AI, which we know is artificial intelligence. Dun dun dun. No, but in all seriousness, it is just everywhere in my feed, it's in my conversations on the day to day. I just feel like 2024 is the year that AI is taking over and it's just getting started still. Obviously a lot of these programs have been in development for years, but it's just finally rolling out to the consumer facing side. I know we're used to chat GBT, but I wanted to share with you specifically how I've integrated AI into my business as a real estate agent and a multi passionate entrepreneur. And just some of the ways that you can explore them and see and like kind of run a filter. Is this a good thing for me and my business or do I just put my blinders on and ignore all the noise? Because if anything that AI can be, it can be a big distraction and almost like a more of a time suck than anything, learning the new thing. So it all depends on the person and it all depends on the business. But let's kind of talk about AI for a second. So one of the most common ways we use it is chat GBT. But I'm going to go ahead and say that the average person probably isn't using it to the capacity that they could be. So what does that mean? Well, number one, it's trained. So whatever you type in, it creates a log, and then as it answers new questions and new prompts, it references the previous log of dialogue that you've had with it. So it's like having a conversation with the person where they are going. Oh yeah, she asked me a couple minutes ago about XYZ. I'll keep that information in mind as I do this. So when I am starting fresh, like, I open up a new browser, new chat DBT. I am thinking in my head, what am I coming to this program for? Right? So number one, I have an objective that I'm trying to get out of it. So hypothetically, let's just say it's a real estate listing. I want a description. So I'm telling it. I'm saying you are a SEO optimized, technology savvy real estate agent, creating a new listing description of 500 words, blah, blah, blah, blah. Then I list out all the features of the home, the surrounding areas, what makes this home unique, and spit something out. If I don't like what it says, I can say make it shorter, make it longer, add more descriptions. I can say, talk more about this one thing until I get it down into what I want it to do. And then I always go through and just add it just a little bit. So I'm not completely copy pasting chat GPT, I'm adding some of my voice to it, but that's like the quickest way to do it. The other reason we use chat GPT a lot is for all of our YouTube titles, our YouTube descriptions, our podcast titles, our podcast descriptions, our newsletter subject lines, our newsletter descriptions and blurbs, our blog posts. I mean, we are coming to chat GPT a lot because it's actually more like a search engine than anything now. And surprisingly, I'm just watching this event that I used to go to called the forward academy in Vegas where it's, I don't know, a couple hundred realtors and lenders that are very social media influencer savvy. They all meet together and they just had this in July and they had a raise of hands. Who is using chat GPT instead of Google? And more than half of the room is using chat GPT as their primary search browser now. So how do you think this is going to change moving forward even another year or two? Google is losing on the SEO. Like, people are coming to chat DBT because it's kind of like right now when you go into Google and there's like AI suggestion answer. It's the same thing that chat GPT is doing. So imagine that. Hey ladies, real quick, if you are looking for a mentor, I just wanted to remind you that I offer mentorship to entrepreneurs. So if you're someone who has a never ending to do list and you're smiling out of control and feel like your business doesn't have a track plan, I want to work with you every single week for a month at a time. It's super simple, but I come from over ten years of experience doing this myself, and now I'm willing to give that information back to people. So I've mentored real estate agents, I've mentored wedding photographers, I've mentored other business owners, and they've come from a place of overwhelm, mostly. And they really just needed clarity and a couple of action steps to move the needle. And we've seen gigantom leaps and bounds in their business. Like, I can't even tell you. So if you're interested and you want to know what that looks like, I want you to go to marinatolentino.com and there's a calendly link there to do a 15 minutes discovery call with me. Just to see if we're a good. Vibe check to make sure we're on the same page. And I would love to work with you one on one to really boost your business to the next level. Let's dive back in now taking it up a step. Chat GPT also just released their vocal portion of the platform. So instead of it just typing it out, it'll speak it back to you and you can have a full on conversation with the AI about whatever you're talking to. So I was listening to another podcast and they were saying this doctor had like a full on ten minute conversation that was very, what's the word of very politically correct, very neutral. But also they had a very engaging conversation because the AI knows the Internet, so it has the answers to anything and it can give different perspectives, even, which is just super trippy. So that's kind of chat DBT in the basic side. Before you use it, don't just type in like a basic question, like, make this for me instead. Tell them who you want them to write it as if they were a person. What kind of person is writing it if it's you? Describe yourself, describe your background, describe your experience, describe your social media, following whatever it is. And then you can also add and describe who the content is for that you're creating it for. So, for instance, on YouTube, I'm saying you're an SEO optimized content copywriter. I'm making a YouTube video description. This is the topic, please. And then I'm saying, can you like, write a description, video description with time stamps? And you can actually drag and drop the whole video into there and it'll scrub the video to give you the description because it knows everything that's in the video based on the audio. Like, it's so crazy, guys. So that's like the primary way. Okay, second thing, I'm going to talk about today is going to be cast magic. So cast magic is something that's a honestly but a game changer when it comes to video short form content. So previous to this, it's like you would have a video editing team that would give us 1 minute clips, but that gets kind of expensive and you're kind of limited on the number of clips you can do, but it comes with captions, you know, and it would be very great. It would be good little sound bites from videos that were awesome. But cast magic does this for us. So literally what you're going to do is upload the long form video to cast magic and it's going to spit out about 20 short form clips, including captions that you can change the styles on within minutes. Like less than ten minutes, you're going to have 20 short form clips that you can just take and repurpose as much as you want. Okay? So that has been a huge time saver. And a lot of our podcast Instagram, they'll work like another podcast Instagram page is all those cast magic videos. So if you want an example of those, you can go check those out. I just know short form content is not going anywhere. And it's not to say this is the only kind of content you should be pushing, but when you've got a great long form content or a training or whatever, or you're trying to do like a teaser, do this. This seems so much time, like I can't even tell you and is worth the investment a thousand percent. So I've got a sign up link for you guys below to check that out if you want. And I think there's some discount associated with it. So feel free to explore. And then the last thing that's super tactical is going to be canva. So we know, and we love canva. I need to buy some canvas stock, if I'm being honest, because I use it pretty much every day, but we're doing so many things in here. So canva is a graphic design platform where you can edit, you can upload photos, you can resize, you can remove backgrounds, all that kind of stuff, right? But in the last year or so, they've released Magic studio. So magic Studio brings together the best AI powered tools for you and your team. Everything is within the app. You don't have to go outside of this canvas. Also, on your phone, it doesn't have to be desktop only. So what can it do, right? It can literally create AI images, which we've seen a lot of those, but you could say create an image about rainbows and ocean and the environment and it would pop up some AI generated graphic. Okay, that's kind of cool, especially when you're getting creative on your branding and you want something to be unique, you can make an AI image. Okay. The other thing is you can do mock ups using images and designs. So, like, if you are wanting to model out what something would look like, it can create that. You can use the same voice and kind of exchange that you're doing with chat GBT on your copywriting so you can help you create your own writing style using magic write. If you are translating things into different languages within a touch of a button, you can translate your entire document into other languages. That's amazing to me. What else? Some of the layout stuff is now magic AI. What else? What else? I don't even know. I probably only use about 10% of their magic studio capacity, but I know there's a crap ton of stuff. And what's cool about canvas? I feel like they've been super great about the trainings, and whenever they roll out new features, they always do trainings on them. So you're probably used to just doing the same old, like, template, edit, brand it, call it good, but you gotta kind of dive into all the other things that they're adding onto this, because very quickly, if you're not adapting, like we talked about earlier, how change is happening so fast, like every quarter there's another roll out, another update. You're gonna be left behind, unfortunately. Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt, and I. Hope you're enjoying this episode of the. Work like a mother podcast. Real quick. I just wanna remind you guys, if you are worried about missing an episode, you don't have to worry anymore because we are creating a weekly email that's gonna go out automatically every single time there's a brand new episode. And this email is gonna have everything you need to know about this week's featured guests. It's gonna have all of the links and the resources that we're gonna talk about in this episode. So you don't have to go around and fumble through the show notes, but it's be served in your inbox every single week. So if you guys want that access, be sure to click below one time in the show notes today, sign up for that email and then you'll never have to worry about it in the future. And bonus, if you really love this, we'd love it. If you share this with a friend, give us a review on whatever platform you're listening to. And we'll continue to bring new episodes and new information that's going to help you level up your life every single week. But all that to say, with all the AI that is coming at us at the speed of light, it's like drinking from a fire hydrant. Sometimes you have to develop this internal filter of like, sure, there is an entire spectrum of AI tools available in 2024, but in 2025 there's probably double the amount of AI platforms and tools available to you and your business. So really it's getting smart on know about it. Sure. Be aware. Don't have your head in the sand, but run it through a filter. Is, is this actually going to save me time? Is this actually going to save me money? And is this something I'm going to stay consistent with? If you can't say yes to all three of those answers, I would say it's probably not a need and it's more of a distraction than anything. Okay, so I know in the real estate space there's a guy that's pushing really hard on like ten AI apps you should be using. And to me, when I listened to his presentation, I just got overwhelmed because I was like, man, I thought I was tech savvy, but you're making me feel like a caveman and it's just too much. Like, I don't need to be doing all that stuff. And again, that's part of the reason with that is you have to define what your ceiling is. When is enough enough? When is enough sales enough for you to slow down? When is enough clients enough for you to take a break and take a vacation, you know, like, you have to define your ceiling. Otherwise you're never going to slow down and you're never going to be able to have that boundary to say, I'm done for the day, I don't have to work tonight. I can take a week off. I can take a one month sabbatical if I reach my sales goals, you know, so that's going to be a big part of it. But anyways, we're going to have all of these links in the show notes below. I think even if you just know them on the surface level, maybe take ten to 15 minutes to go see what their recent updates have been. Maybe look on some YouTube trainings to see what's out there. I'll create a PDF for you guys too that just has the links and like, how I'm using them again as a reference point. And maybe I'll throw in some chat GPT prompts in there that you guys can copy and paste for your business to kind of see how it creates different answers than you might have been using it. And then just a reminder, guys, my email goes out every single week after an episode. So you get all this served to you, too. And I think it's just such a huge value add, because I know for me, when I'm listening to podcasts, I'm usually driving or multitasking, and so I don't have my computer out to go look up the things, and then I forget about them. But instead, I'm serving it to your inbox. So you can decide when is a good time for you to actually look at the things, then go find them on the Internet, bookmark them, et cetera. So if you're not signed up on the podcast email list, definitely get that, because I just, again, it's just more of an organized way to digest the podcast when you actually have the time capacity to consume it and get into the nitty gritty. All right, like I said, this is a shorty. I'm still in DC as I record this, so I will be coming back shortly. But this is. I don't know, technology is bananas. Oh, that's what I was going to tell you guys, too. AI influencers, bro, if you have not looked into AI influencers, go Google. It blew my mind when I, like, learned about them that they were actually real. So you know how TikTok has these filters and stuff where it's like your yearbook and it turns your face into, like, twelve girls in yearbook pictures, different versions of you? Well, there are virtual influencers now. The most popular one is Mikwaila Souza. Her Instagram handle is Mikayla. L I l m I q u e l a. Okay. She has 2.9 million followers, and she, as in a digital image, she's not a human, but she looks very human. And she's already done brand deals with Prada and Calvin Klein, and you name it. I went down, what do you call down a rabbit hole the other day? And there was a bee influencer, like an AI generated bee, a honeybee, kind of like the GeIco gecko, where he's doing brand deals a lot, I should say. She. All girls are. All bees are girls. And then there is a african american supermodel, AI that's just, like, gorgeous. And so what they're doing is once you create this avatar, you can AI images based around anything. You can say. This is the product, put it in the placement, tell the picture what to do, and it'll auto generate. And I, like, went into them because even the video formats of them look super realistic, and it's, like, trippy. I don't even know. So that kind of blew my millennial brain. I was like, oh, my gosh, here we go. This is just getting ramped up. Like, they're still on the rise. There's only, like, a handful of really popular ones. But, I mean, imagine ten years from now, our ads on the tv are going to be AI generated and there's not going to be any real humans in them. Like, what is this world? It's so bizarre. Anyways, okay, I'm wrapping this up, guys. I will be seeing you on another episode very shortly. Make sure to send this to a friend if you learn something new or you just want to entertain a girlfriend with some fun facts. But I love the support. Keep sharing it, keep spreading it, and I'll keep bringing on good content and good people for us to get a little bit better with. Baby step at a time. All right, see ya.